Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Maritime Conference

MC Spotlight, Special Edition


MC Spotlight

From this small beginning it was shown to me to be like streams of light that went clear round the world. EGW, LS 125


A Call to Prayer


North American Division to Hold
Prayer Convention

The event, with an Acts 4:31-based theme “And When They Had Prayed,” begins April 9.

Come Pray With Us

On April 9-10, the North American Division will launch its 2021 Prayer Convention, “And WhenThey Had Prayed,” a theme based on Acts 4:31. While the event calls for “24/7-style” prayer, two special features of the program will livestream on the NAD Facebook page. 
On April 9, viewers can watch from 7-9 p.m. EDT; on April 10 the livestream runs from 4-7 p.m. EDT. The first evening includes a sermonette by G. Alexander Bryant, presentations from union leaders, testimonials, special prayer, and music. Day two will consist of similar content with union leaders and James Black Sr., NAD Prayer Ministries coordinator, speaking, plus a special anointing experience and leadership challenge. And at 6 p.m. EDT on April 9, an all-night Zoom prayer meeting will commence for church members across the division who received an invitation. MORE

“We are claiming the promise that God will use this experience to bring glory and honor to His name however He chooses,” said Black. “With the pandemic, politics, and social justice issues dominating the world news, it is time for God’s people to heed the call by coming together to change the narrative through earnest prayer. If ever there was a time to experience a healing in the land, that time is now.”

~James Black Sr., NAD Prayer Ministries coordinator


Communications Department



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If your church or department has an Event, an Announcement, or Resources you'd like shared with the whole Conference, please email:
The MC Spotlight is an official e-publication of the Maritime Conference.

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