Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Maritime Conference

MC Spotlight, Volume 9.1

MC Spotlight

From this small beginning it was shown to me to be like streams of light that went clear round the world. EGW, LS 125




"Live Each Day as In the Sight of God"

"We cannot afford to allow our minds to be diverted from Jesus and the preparation of soul which we must have in order to meet Him in peace.... In Christ's stead, I beseech you to pray as you never prayed before, to seek earnestly for faith and love, that seem to be almost banished from the earth. Live each day as in the sight of God.... ." OHC 360.2

My heart says of you, “Seek his face!”
Your face, Lord, I will seek.

Psalm 27:8

Decadent Summery Mango-Lime Tart


Forks Over Knives & Paradise Fields


GF    DF   V   VG

This easy no-bake tart gets its richness from pureed raw cashews and its bright flavor from mangoes, lime juice, and fresh raspberries.

Click here for the RECIPE!

GF - Gluten-Free
DF - Dairy-Free
V - Vegetarian 
VG - Vegan                          




HABITS - The "Secret Sauce"

Habits are behaviors, repeated regularly, that occur without thinking. Why are habits so significant?
An old saying expresses it well: “Sow an act and reap a habit; sow a habit and reap a character.” Character arises from habits. Habits are important because character is important.
The entire great controversy is about the character of God. “Satan’s efforts [have been] to misinterpret the character of God, to cause men to cherish a false conception of the Creator” (The Great Controversy, Introduction). Almost all the world’s religions distort God’s character in some form or another. Think about that. 


HABITS are important because
  character is important.              


The church is God’s “advertising agency,” representing God’s true character to the universe! Ellen White wrote, “There is nothing that the Savior desires so much as agents who will represent to the world His spirit and His character” (The Acts of the Apostles, 600). God is love—not some detached or legalistic autocrat.
A church’s habits determine whether or not it accurately reflects God’s character of love. Like people, some churches are friendly or stand-offish, jovial or stern, approachable or cold, and so on. A perceptive visitor can sense, before too long, the extent to which the church reveals God’s true character.


         Even the plan of salvation, created before the
         foundation of the world, is a grand strategic plan.
         (Ephesians 1:4)




General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church HOSTS...


News & Events


Global Youth Sabbath

March 20, 2021 was a high Sabbath in the Saint George Church. It was Youth Sabbath! 1 Timothy 4:12 admonishes..."Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." Our youth set an example of willingness to serve whether in reading of Scripture, calling for the offering, musical selections or preaching the Word to God’s honor. These spokespersons for the Lord chose as their topics, The Love Of GodWhat Can I Do, and Stand. The congregation in attendance,  in person or by zoom, were blessed and uplifted by the thoughts shared. Also were they encouraged as our Pathfinders,The Bay Of Fundy Flyers, distributed GLOW tracts in the community of Saint George in the afternoon. "With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Saviour might be carried to the whole world!" Education 271.2 Praise the Lord! 


Lifestyle is Medicine


Why we need to be talking more about food
and healthy lifestyles in our fight against Covid-19

Lifestyle MED LIVE are interactive online events where you join leading experts to explore the power of healthy lifestyles for the prevention, treatment and even reversal of today's most common chronic diseases.
Hosts: Lifestyle Is Medicine, Paradise Fields
This is a free Zoom event. You will receive the login link when you register. Share this event with a friend!


Sandy Lake Academy News, In the Loopis fresh and updated, including Features about our JP/P Class, Ski Club, and NEWLY renovated bathrooms!


With retirements announced for current leaders, two new General Conferences officers have beenvoted in during the GC Spring Meeting on April 14. Erton Köhler, president of the South American Division, has been elected executive secretary while Paul H. Douglas, GC Auditing Services director, has been elected treasurer. MORE from the Adventist News Network.


FUEL IMAGINATION! Kids grow better with radio. Did you know watching tv and other screens hinders a child’s brain development? Tell the parents and children you love about The new website streams wholesome, character building programs for children 24/7. Bonus free resources include kids Bible study guides, stories, Sabbath school lessons, coloring pages, stickers, and more. Find the program schedule and LISTEN LIVEWATCH the "Fuel Imagination" video.


April 17 is Literature Evangelism Sabbath in the North American Division! Learn more about NAD publishing organizations, including Adventist Book CenterAdventSourcePacific Press Publishing AssociationSeminars Unlimited, and more, to celebrate with your church! WATCH the video promoting, with digital versions of many literature resources to share! 


Communications Department



1. the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other method
2. the means of sending or receiving information


If your church or department has an Event, an Announcement, or Resources you'd like shared with the whole Conference, please email:
The MC Spotlight is an official e-publication of the Maritime Conference.

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