Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Maritime Conference

February 1, 2023

The MC Spotlight is an official e-publication of the Maritime Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Inc.


2023 Focus: Sowing Seeds for Heaven


Presidential Message


Blessings to all of you at the beginning of our new year. As we begin 2023 and look at the potential of the Maritime Conference, as we make plans to share the gospel throughout the conference - I am so excited! This year, the theme for the conference is Sowing Seeds for Heaven. I pray that everyone will be earnestly seeking ways that they can be sowing those seeds, through friendship evangelism, and community evangelism. These forms of evangelism are some of the greatest tools we have when sharing the Gospel. 

Many of you are aware of the damage caused by Fiona at  Camp Pugwash. We have been working slowly ever since to try and clean the damage up. While we still wait to here from our adjuster. The ABC building has now been totally removed and we are looking forward to rebuilding it this year. Bisengi's cabin that was blown over has now been uprighted once again. Please continue to pray that we will have everything ready for summer camps and camp meeting. 

Sadly, we lost many more trees in the hurricane and unfortunately that’s something that is going to take years to grow back.

Campmeeting plans are well underway and we are looking forward to being together with one another at that time. It’s exciting to see it coming together as all the different department and ministries make plans  - we will certainly be blessed in 2023. We still need many volunteers so if you are able to volunteer please contact our office. 

Many of you may not know that last year we were able to hire a new pastor for the opening we had at the Moncton church. We are so grateful that Pastor David James has been able to join our pastoral team.

For my closing thought please remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. (2 Corinthians 9:6)

Moving forward on our knees, 
- Dave Miller


Precious Jewels Update


Hello, I'm Nicole Ste Marthe, I have the privilege of serving as the Director of the Precious Jewels Early Learning Centre  in Moncton, NB. 

I would like to take this opportunity to share about the centre and its mission and solicit your prayers for our growing centre.

The Precious Jewels Early Learning Centre was started in 2021 by the Moncton Seventh-day Adventist Church as a ministry to the community. I am thankful for those that came before me, and paved the way for the centre to open. In the previous year, we were unable to find qualified staff and were forced to temporarily close. In that time, God prepared the way by bringing people to Moncton in preparation for its re-opening. Our centre re-opened on November 14, 2022 with 2 passionate and dedicated educators and a director.

Since then, our centre has grown both in child enrollment and staff.  We have added a part-time cook/relief staff, and a casual staff to our team. Our centre has ministered to 20 different community families, sharing our faith through teaching and personal interaction with both child and parents/caregivers. 

The Precious Jewels ELC staff would like to thank everyone who has been praying for the centre.  We continue to solicit your prayers as we move forward in the Lord. We also would like to thank those who have been financially supporting the centre through donations, it has positively impacted our centre. Thank you!

We are praying that God will continue to open doors for our centre. If you would like to help our centre, through donation, our fundraiser (fundscrip) or otherwise, please contact the director at

- Nicole Ste Marthe


Health Ministry Department

This year's Health Ministries agenda is chocked full of life changing information. If you desire to be the very best that you can be mark your calendars and be sure to attend the monthly presentation. We look forward to growing, in health, with you!

- Catherine


Save the Date
Camp Meeting -- July 21-29, 2023


For more information:
To read how it works:

Contact us: 506-382-1222 OR




11   Adoration sur Zoom- tous les français
19   The Source of All Truth
20   Seasonal Registration Opens




12   Health Meeting
19   Annual General Meeting
24   Maritime's Children Contest
25   Maritime Health Emphasis Day

Summer Camp Camper Registration Opens


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Related Information

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