Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Maritime Conference

Volume 14 (June 28, 2021)

MC Spotlight

From this small beginning it was shown to me to be like streams of light that went clear round the world. EGW, LS 125




The Ontario Conference 
A Virtual Camp Meeting

We wanted to share some exciting news – the Ontario Conference is opening up their Camp Meeting to all of Canada. We’re just a day away from their 2021 Virtual Camp Meeting with Ministries Convention (Tues., June 29 to Sabbath, July 3). It promises to be a blessed experience, featuring prayer sessions, inspiring worships, afterglows, dynamic speakers, interactive Bible studies, ministry training, children and youth programming, mini-concerts and more. The speakers will include Prs. John Bradshaw, G. Alexander Bryant, Ivan L. Williams, George Tuyu, Jordane Smith and more. Visit for free registration and program updates.
For our French Ministries, please note they will have Pastor Vaillant Youte, from the Quebec Conference, facilitating Sabbath School workshops in French. They will also have ASL, French and Spanish interpretation (via Zoom) for adult plenary sessions, which will be accessible via the main website. 



News / Events / Resources


Sandy Lake Academy 
GYM Floor Update


We have some FANTASTIC news to share. After a challenge to students & families to help raise funds for the new gym floor, they more than pulled through. We’re thrilled to announce that $11,450 was raised by the last day of school, bumping our total raised to $37,800! Way to go everyone! Only $12,200 left to go. Let’s get this done! 
Contact to give. Cash, cheque, debit, credit, and e-Transfer accepted. You can also donate here:


SALT, the It Is Written school of evangelism, is pleased to offer a one-time, free six-week Christian Witnessing program for pastors and members who want to become more effective soul winners.

The weekly online training classes began on Sunday, June 20, 2021. But you can still REGISTER for FREE. Via Zoom, learn from experienced and successful evangelists and soul winners on topics such as:
1. How to Overcome the Challenges of Witnessing
2. How to Attract People to Christ
3. How to Prepare and Conduct a Bible Study
4. How to Meet Your Community’s Needs
5. How to Be an Inviting Church
And much more!

Opportunities to interact with and ask questions of the presenters will be available each week.

In His Service,
Douglas Na’a – Director of the It Is Written School of evangelism – SALT.


Please hold off on ANY and ALL eTransfers until our new Treasurer arrives in July. 
Thank you.


World Church Prayer Requests
June 25, 2021

1. Pray for believers around the United States who are attending camp meeting this   
   month of June or July. Pray for God’s protection and Holy Spirit blessings. 
2. Pray for our pastors and elders, that God would give them wisdom as they seek 
   to re-open churches and bring people back together in physical fellowship.   
3. Pray for those that are still in the midst of lockdowns and feeling isolated. Pray for 
   ways to reach out and encourage one another.
4. Pray for the third quarterly Day of Prayer to be held July 3rd. The theme is 
   “Praying for a Heart like Jesus.” Pray that many will take part in this special day!
5. Keep praying for the upcoming 24/7 United Prayer and Music Verse event, which 
   is also to be held on July 3rd. On this special day, we will focus our prayers on 
   the needs of believers in India, as we pray for a heart like Jesus. (Watch for details!) - Online Prayer Room

Looking for a weekly pick-me-up? "Grace Thoughts" by Jesus 101 is a short weekly devotional that offers encouragement, and helps you get excited about Jesus! "Grace Thoughts" is delivered to your inbox each week and will add inspiration to your day. SIGN UP for "Grace Thoughts"!


Do It Together — Sabbath School Convention 2021 is the first annual event of its kind! Sponsored by the NAD Adult, Children's and Youth ministries, the convention will focus on doing Sabbath School together. This event is designed to train leaders for in service, and to update teaching techniques andconnection with student and teacher. JOIN US on Sept. 9-11! Fee is only $20; register by Aug. 9 to receive a free swag bag.


July 1, at 2 p.m. ET, join Adventist Community Services (ACS) for a FREE webinar on leadership and team development. Learn leadership development strategies specific to organizational change and expand your understanding of the biblical concepts of servant leadership, influencing and inspiring your team to succeed. LEARN MORE


Register for the FREE 2021 Adventist Conference on Family Research and Practice conference! This event, held July 22-24, will be facilitated virtually; this year's theme is "Forgiveness." This annual conference, held at Andrews University, is designed to provide professionals and Family Ministries leaders alike the opportunity to be exposed to best practice strategies and research in the area of Family Therapy, Family Studies, Family Ministry, Social Work, and Psychology in order to enhance ministry to families. CLICK HERE for info/to register.




His church is to bear His superscription, and thus testify to the world that God has sent His Son to be the Saviour of the world.... Love is to be interwoven as threads of gold in all their actions. 

Every Christian who is happy in the Lord will work zealously to bring the same happiness into the heart and life of one who is in need and affliction. Followers of Christ will produce their own happiness in the hearts of others by performing Christlike works.. OHC 185.2-OHC 185.3
... We must look on the faults of others not to condemn, but to restore and heal. OHC 185.5


We love because He first loved us.

1 John 4:19


White Bean Coconut Curry


 DF   V   VG   GF                      

I do like to serve this dish with rice. There is something about the texture of rice and the creamy sauce that says absolute “comfort” to me; the perfect food for any day of the year. The best part of this dish is that it is also healthy and hardy, delicious and beautiful, what’s not to like! See the RECIPE HERE!

DF - Dairy-Free
V - Vegetarian
VG - Vegan
GF - Gluten-Free


Source: Chef Ani
Paradise Fields


No Bake Brownie Energy Bites


Source: Jessica in the Kitchen
& Paradise Fields


VG   V   DF   GF  NS

Things I love about summer: flip flops, grilling, summer fruits, and no bake treats. No bake treats made with 5 main ingredients, in 10 minutes, that will add no extra heat to your already hot summer home AND that taste like brownies! Sounds pretty perfect right? Case in point: these No Bake Brownie Energy Bites also known as bliss balls. See the RECIPE HERE!

VG - Vegan
V - Vegetarian
DF - Dairy-Free
GF - Gluten-Free
NS - Naturally Sweetened


Communications Department



1. the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other method
2. the means of sending or receiving information


If your church or department has an Event, an Announcement, or Resources you'd like shared with the whole Conference, please email:
The MC Spotlight is an official e-publication of the Maritime Conference.

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