GC Virtual Global Campmeeting
TO REPLACE A Maritime Conference Campmeeting
Please REGISTER for this amazing event, connecting the Adventist global community from within as if we were neighbours next door! Enjoy a 24-hour Prayer Room, dynamic workshops and power-packed speakers (see below).
This VIRTUAL Global Campmeeting is calling you - REGISTER HERE.
News & Events
Dear Supporters of SLA, I am happy to report that we are launching a $50,000 fundraising campaign for a new gym floor. God has truly blessed, and we have already been able to secure $18,600 for the project while barely lifting a finger. Why install a new gym floor? First, this is a small part of a broader aim to set SLA apart as the premiere music, outdoor education/recreation, and acrobatics school in the Maritimes. Second, it is a pure matter of safety given the number of injuries that have been sustained on our current sealed concrete floor. It is our hope that the completion of projects such as these will create a stronger sense of healthy pride in our school, improve the day-to-day student learning experience, and be a token of good stewardship for the resources that God has entrusted us with. We are currently deep into a total revamp of our website where giving will be streamlined. In the meantime, donate by going to:
OR contact Jill in the office at secretary@sandylakeacademy.ca to make a donation. A tax deductible receipt will be issued for all donations above $20. Thank you for your support.
Sincerely, Steve Kibbee, SLA Principal principal@sandylakeacademy.ca
On May 15, the NAD will broadcast a symposium on COVID-19 vaccines. Healthcare professionals, communication experts, and church theologians will talk about the Bible and science, and help make sure members are well informed when deciding whether to take the vaccine. This broadcast will be available on Hope Channel and the NAD Facebook page from 4-6:30 p.m. EDT. CLICK HERE for more info on the symposium and other resources. |
 Coming to a Zoom Near You
This Fall, new small group Experiences Devotional Groups will start up. There will be a Youth/Young Adult one, an Introductory level one, and an Advanced one for those interested in going deeper in their walk with each other and our God!
Testimony Quote: There is something solemn and special about being cared for. As a Seventh-day Adventist Christian, I seek, as you probably do, to care for others. We say that it is more blessed to give than to receive, but being a recipient of attention and care has – as I’ve discovered – more than a few benefits. When Pastor Franz Unger invited me to join his new small group, I was surprised and delighted, but I didn’t know that I was about to experience having a new Pastor… and a new family. The group enabled me to give and to receive… loads of attention. Thank you, Pastor Unger, and the group, for the transformative conversations we had on life, the Bible, and each other. Thank you, Father, for making me experience Church.
~ Claudine Belhomme
|  World Church Prayer Requests May 7, 2021
1. Please continue to pray for church members in India as they are experiencing a massive humanitarian disaster with Covid-19. It is ravaging the general community as well as church leaders and members.
2. Pray for church members and Christians in Colombia. There is great civil unrest in the country right now, as well as a huge health crisis. Pray especially for protection in the midst of the crisis for church members.
3. Please pray for those who live on St. Vincent and who are still suffering from the fallout from the volcano and the mudslides. Pray for courage and provisions for church members affected. 4. Pray for God’s Spirit to be poured out on the online prayer room that will be open 24 hours a day during the General Conference Camp meeting, May 19-23, 2021. To register for free, for this event, visit: https://www.campmeeting.com